Cultural Change Consultancy and Leadership Certification

Our 'Leading Cultural Change Consultancy Certification' programme is an essential part of our training course portfolio at For me it sits at the very core of my identity as a trainer and facilitator of cultural change leadership skills. I first experienced formal training regards managing organisational culture on my Executive MBA programme at the University of Strathclyde Business School. I was hooked. I loved the depth of this subject and its immense practical yet conceptual qualities were incredibly engaging. Even wrote a book with Professor James McCalman on the subject
I was very fortunate as my employer at the time supported my Executive MBA and encouraged me to apply the knowledge and skills obtained to live cultural change projects. This incredibly positive experience motivated me to embark on a further five years intensive study of organisational cultural dynamics at PhD level.
This was followed by more applied learning studying the soft intra and interpersonal skills required to lead successful cultural change with leading Californian behavioural change experts based at the University of California Santa Cruz.
The product of this learning journey is our premier course 'Leading Cultural Change Consultancy Certification' programme . We are providing this course and sharing the learnings accrued through three models of action learning:
Model 1 which is delivered as a zoom led coaching programme and is ideal for those taking a lead role in guiding cultural change work. This version involves all 3 modules described in our course brochure spread over 18 coaching sessions scheduled over a 9 - 12-month period. This schedule is highly flexible.
Model 2 which is delivered in-house to a sole client and their management team via zoom online. Again there are 3 modules. Each module lasts for 5 days with periods of actionable applied learning between each module.
Model 3 is called 'An Introduction to Cultural Change' which is a 3-day programme that we can also deliver via zoom over 6 half days. The course would offer a concise summary of each of the 3 modules of the fuller programme outlined in the attached brochure. This covers the fundamentals of:
1. Diagnosing culture at work
2. Key hard and soft skills required for cultural change work
3. Design of a cultural change project
4. Implementation and evaluation of success
If you would like to chat over any these options, please do contact me at [email protected] . You can review samples of our work at under 'Case Studies'.