Evening Class Opportunity : Cultural Change Consultancy and Leadership Certification

Cultural Change Consultancy and Leadership Certification
If you would like to develop your knowledge and skills of managing and leading cultural change in organisations then this personal and team development opportunity would be ideal for you.
You may be an established HR or Operations Manager , or a coach/consultant looking to build on your skills in this exciting area .
Or you may be a team leader and you see the value in your own team growing their capabilities together to lead successful cultural change in our organisation.
Starting September 2023 through to December 2023 on a Monday and a Wednesday evening 6.30pm to 9.30pm we plan to run a night class via zoom delivering our successful CMI Recognised Programme; Cultural Change Consultancy and Leadership Certification .
This class will be restricted to 8 students so that each one may enjoy consistent engagement with the trainers and a very tight and engaged learning team.
Cultural Change Consultancy and Leadership Certification is a change management development toolkit that works with the ‘planning’, ‘analytical’, and ‘intrapersonal’ skills that produce excellent Change Managers in organisations. Cultural Change Consultancy and Leadership Certification builds excellent soft & hard cultural change leadership skills and offers clients a Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Recognised Programme.
As you will be undertaking a CMI Recognised Programme it is understood that CMI recognition is an exemplary way to show that you have completed a training programme benchmarked against Management training quality modelled by the ‘National Occupational Standards’.
This dynamic course has been independently assessed and approved as a Chartered Management Institute Recognised Programme by a CMI appointed consultant and evaluated in relation to a Management and Leadership competency framework known as National Occupational Standards (NOS).
Please contact [email protected] for a chat regards investing in this opportunity.