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Culture Really Does Matter

Managing Strategic Change Programme

10 October 2019

I am delighted to be co- delivering at Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, an innovative  course on Managing Strategic Change. Over a programme of 21 two-hour lectures we will review the strategic change process artfully crafted in 'Change Management A Guide to Effective Implementation' by James McCalman, Robert A. Patton and Sabina Siebert. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Change-Management-Guide-Effective-Implementation/dp/1446274101     

Throughout the programme we will be working with over 250 International Masters Degree Students from diverse back grounds such as Genetic Science, The Arts, and Engineering. 

The course text is an excellent survey of analytical and behavioural science rooted techniques which provide together a comprehensive change management framework that is accessible to anyone involved in change management roles. We address both soft and hard change situations and explain the most suitable change management approaches for both. I draw upon my own research and practical experience as a change leader into leading cultural change , soft skills development and business process engineering and this is a highly satisfying process that I 'get' to do rather than 'have' to do https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=leading+cultural+change&i=stripbooks&ref=nb_sb_noss_2 The programme covers:

  • Change management models
  • Growth versus fixed mind set
  • Common fault lines
  • The role of the change agent
  • Mapping change
  • Change Leadership 
  • Motivation and the human dimension of change 

When one finds a role in life that involves earning ones living doing what you are passionate about and fully present and engaged when expressing your passion the 'work' stops being 'work' and you enter a 'flow' of just enthusiastic and fully committed delivery. Teaching and training I have discovered are the niche roles that I am at my most present and engaged and to be able to earn my living doing these two mutually inclusive activities I am very grateful for.

We have developed a portfolio of change leadership and management orientated programmes that are suitable for all kinds of organisations and these can be reviewed at https://www.culturalchange.co.uk/